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This function establishes a connection pool to a Supabase database and sets up automatic cleanup when the Shiny session ends.


  host = NULL,
  dbname = NULL,
  port = NULL,
  user = NULL,
  table = NULL,
  password = Sys.getenv("SURVEYDOWN_PASSWORD"),
  gssencmode = "prefer",
  ignore = FALSE,
  min_size = 1,
  max_size = Inf



Character string. The host address of the Supabase database.


Character string. The name of the Supabase database.


Integer. The port number for the Supabase database connection.


Character string. The username for the Supabase database connection.


Character string. The name of the table to interact with in the Supabase database.


Character string. The password for the Supabase database connection. NOTE: While you can provide a hard-coded password here, we do NOT recommend doing so for security purposes. Instead, you should establish a password with surveydown::sd_set_password(), which will create a local .Renviron file that stores you password as a SURVEYDOWN_PASSWORD environment variable. The password argument uses this as the default value, so if you set a password properly with surveydown::sd_set_password(), then you can safely ignore using the password argument here.


Character string. The GSS encryption mode for the database connection. Defaults to "prefer". NOTE: If you have verified all connection details are correct but still cannot access the database, consider setting this to "disable". This can be necessary if you're on a secure connection, such as a VPN.


Logical. If TRUE, data will be saved to a local CSV file instead of the database. Defaults to FALSE.


Integer. The minimum number of connections in the pool. Defaults to 1.


Integer. The maximum number of connections in the pool. Defaults to Inf.


A list containing the database connection pool (db) and the table name (table), or NULL if in ignore mode or if there's an error.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # Assuming SURVEYDOWN_PASSWORD is set in .Renviron
  db_connection <- sd_database(
    host       = "",
    dbname     = "postgres",
    port       = "6---",
    user       = "postgres.k----------i",
    table = "your-table-name",
    ignore      = FALSE

  # Explicitly providing the password
  db_connection <- sd_database(
    host       = "",
    dbname     = "postgres",
    port       = "6---",
    user       = "postgres.k----------i",
    table = "your-table-name",
    password   = "your-password",
    ignore      = FALSE
} # }