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This function retrieves all data from a specified table in a database. It automatically detects whether it's being used in a reactive context (e.g., within a 'shiny' application) and behaves accordingly. In a reactive context, it returns a reactive expression that automatically refreshes the data at specified intervals.


sd_get_data(db, refresh_interval = NULL)



A list containing database connection details created using sd_database(). Must have elements:

  • db: A DBI database connection object

  • table: A string specifying the name of the table to query


Numeric. The time interval (in seconds) between data refreshes when in a reactive context. Default is NULL, meaning the data will not refresh.


In a non-reactive context, returns a data frame containing all rows and columns from the specified table. In a reactive context, returns a reactive expression that, when called, returns the most recent data from the specified database table.


# Non-reactive context example
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

  # Assuming you have a database connection called db created using
  # sd_database(), you can fetch data with:

  data <- sd_get_data(db)

  # Reactive context example (inside a surveydown app)

  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    data <- sd_get_data(db, refresh_interval = 10)

    output$data_table <- renderTable({
      data()  # Note the parentheses to retrieve the reactive value
} # }