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Note: This is still an early-stage project. Use with caution, and please give us feedback!

This package helps you create markdown-based surveys with Quarto Shiny Documents. It brings together three open source technologies (Quarto, shiny, and supabase) to create dynamic, markdown-based surveys. Here’s the basic concept:

image showing the three technologies used in the surveydown platform along with their logos: quarto (for designing surveys), shiny (for rendering the survey), and supabase (for storing data)

  1. Design your survey as a Quarto shiny document using markdown and R code.
  2. Render your doc into a shiny app that can be hosted online and sent to respondents.
  3. Store your survey responses in a supabase database.

The {surveydown} R package works in tandem with our surveydown Quarto extension to make everything work.

See the documentation to get started making your own surveydown survey!

Background & Motivation

Most survey platforms (e.g., Google forms, Qualtrics, etc.) use drag-and-drop interfaces to design surveys, making version control and collaboration with others difficult. They’re also not reproducible.

As an open-source, markdown-based platform, surveydown was designed to address these problems. In surveydown, all survey content is created with plain text (markdown and R code) in a single .qmd file that renders into a shiny app. This makes your survey easy to reproduce, share, and version control with common tools like Git. The resulting shiny app for each survey can be hosted on a number of platforms, like or huggingface, and the survey data collected is owned by the survey designer in a supabase account. Best of all, everything is open source and free :)

If you’re curious where this whole idea came from, check out this blog post, which outlines more on the general idea and the motivation for it. The post is now outdated in terms of the overall design, but it provides something of an origin story and some of the motivation for developing this project.


This is a running list of things we’re working on adding to the project:

  • Question types:

Resources / other related examples:

Citation Information

If you use this package for in a publication, please cite it! You can get the citation by typing citation("surveydown") into R:
