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This function creates a 'Close' button that, when clicked, will trigger the exit process for the survey. Depending on the server-side configuration, this may show a rating question or a simple confirmation dialog before attempting to close the current browser tab or window.


sd_close(label = NULL)



Character string. The label of the 'Close' button. Defaults to NULL, in which case the word "Exit Survey" will be used.


A 'shiny' tagList containing the 'Close' button UI element and associated JavaScript for the exit process.


The function generates a 'shiny' action button that, when clicked, triggers the 'show_exit_modal' event. The server-side logic (controlled by the rate_survey parameter in sd_server()) determines whether to show a rating question or a simple confirmation dialog.

The function also includes a custom message handler for closing the window. This is necessary because some browsers may not allow JavaScript to close windows that were not opened by JavaScript. In such cases, the user will be prompted to close the tab manually.


The actual behavior of the exit process (whether to show a rating question or not) is controlled by the rate_survey parameter in the sd_server() function, not in this UI function.

See also


if (interactive()) {

  # Get path to example survey file
  survey_path <- system.file("examples", "sd_close.qmd",
                             package = "surveydown")

  # Copy to a temporary directory
  temp_dir <- tempdir()
  file.copy(survey_path, file.path(temp_dir, "survey.qmd"))
  orig_dir <- getwd()

  # Define a minimal server
  server <- function(input, output, session) {

  # Run the app
  shiny::shinyApp(ui = sd_ui(), server = server)

  # Clean up