This function creates a custom survey question that incorporates any Shiny widget and captures its interaction value. It allows for the integration of interactive visualizations (e.g., maps, plots) or other custom Shiny outputs into a survey, storing the result of user interaction as survey data.
- id
Character string. A unique identifier for the question.
- label
Character string. The label text for the question, which can include HTML formatting.
- output
Shiny UI element. The output of a Shiny widget (e.g.,
).- value
Reactive expression that returns the value to be stored in the survey data when the user interacts with the widget.
- height
Character string. The height of the widget output. Defaults to "400px".
The function creates a custom question container that includes:
A visible widget output that users can interact with
A hidden text input that stores the value from the interaction
Automatic tracking of user interaction for progress monitoring
The value to be stored is controlled by the reactive expression provided to
the value
parameter, which should update whenever the user interacts with
the widget in the desired way.
See also
for standard question types
if (interactive()) {
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Create map output
output$usa_map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() |>
addTiles() |>
setView(lng = -98.5795, lat = 39.8283, zoom = 4)
# Reactive value for selected location
selected_location <- reactiveVal(NULL)
# Click observer
observeEvent(input$usa_map_click, {
click <- input$usa_map_click
if (!is.null(click)) {
sprintf("Lat: %0.2f, Lng: %0.2f", click$lat, click$lng)
# Create the custom question
id = "location",
label = "Click on your location:",
output = leafletOutput("usa_map", height = "400px"),
value = selected_location
shinyApp(ui = sd_ui(), server = server)