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surveydown (development version)

  • Modified sd_get_url_pars() to include reactive() with the () at the end, so now the function returns an evaluated reactive expression.

surveydown 0.2.4

  • No need to use <br> above the Next button anymore. The Next buttons can now be in the same chunk as the questions as spacing has been added.
  • Modified margins on top and bottom. Solved the large gap created by hidden questions.
  • Fixed an issue with sd_store_value(). There used to be a problem if a value is a list with multiple entries. Now they are collapsed with commas due to the application of format_question_value() on the value variable.
  • Removed the reactive argument for sd_get_data(). Now all functions that should be compatible with both reactive (server) and static (ui) conditions will automatically match, without necessity of explicitly specifying them.
  • sd_redirect() updated with a parameter called newtab, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, the redirection link will be opened in a new tab. If used together with delay, the new tab might be blocked by the browser after count-down, but the user click will not be blocked.
  • Improved the database_uploading() function to secure it from possible SQL injection attacks.

surveydown 0.2.3

  • Solved the speed problem for database connections: refactored sd_server() for efficiency; converted local data storage to lists instead of data frames.
  • Assigned session_id as the leading column, and removed the respondent_id column.

surveydown 0.2.2

  • sd_redirect() to create redirection to external links, either by providing a button, a countdown, or both. This function can be called both in the survey body and the server chunk.
  • sd_get_url_pars() to reactively get the parameters in the URL.
  • The above 3 functions work together to retrieve and redirect URL parameters so that surveydown is compatible with survey panels.
  • Now sd_next() and sd_redirect() both support the “Enter” key for a better user experience.
  • Add automatic clean up in sd_database().
  • sd_output() function that replaces the original sd_display_question() (by specifying type = "question") and sd_display_value() (by specifying type = "value"). The original 2 functions are depreciated and will be removed in future updates. If sd_output() is only used with "id" specified, it works the same as shiny::uiOutput().

surveydown 0.2.1

  • In sd_database(), now db_name is changed to dbname, and table_name is changed to table, for consistency with Supabase, and simplicity of parameter names.
  • Now the error message of sd_database() will also prompt “If you have verified all connection details are correct but still cannot access the database, consider setting the gssencmode parameter to "disable" in the sd_database() function.” We don’t encourage users to disable gssencmode, since it’s more secure to have it on, but if users encounter with connection error, this will be a possible solution.
  • Bug fix: A bug was introduced when restructuring the sd_server() function in the last update that affected numeric questions being determined as answered or not, that is now fixed.
  • Fixed issue #80: If sd_display_value() was used multiple times on different question IDs, it could only fetch the last user input. Now it’s fixed.
  • Renamed main lua file in inst/quarto/filters from surveydown.lua to sd_main.lua and updated the extension v0.2.5 to call this via a more robust, cross-platform approach.
  • (Extension) Renamed the extension lua filter to sd_wrapper.lua to avoid naming conflict. Now the extension is only used as a wrapper. The sd_main.lua and related CSS and JS files are all in the R package.

surveydown 0.2.0

  • Moved sd_store_value() and sd_copy_value() to the server.R file (these are server operations).
  • Added respondent_id variable that tracks the respondent based on their starting the survey.
  • Restructure the server to be more efficient.
  • Now the required questions can successfully bypass the hidden required questions of all types.

surveydown 0.1.2

  • Moved the main surveydown.lua file into the package at inst/quarto/filters. The surveydown Quarto extension is now just a wrapper to load this file, so the extension won’t likely need to update any further as all updates can be made in the package lua file.
  • Changed jhelvy to surveydown-dev in version control functions.
  • Now if there are duplicated page_id and question_id, the survey will stop and show error.
  • Removed roxygen2 documentation from non-exported functions.

surveydown 0.1.1

  • Added sd_get_data() with a reactive argument to enable reactive data fetching.
  • sd_question() now has a reactive argument to enable reactive questions, and sd_question_reactive() was removed.
  • Made sd_admin_enable() internal, changed to admin_enable().
  • Removed sd_admin_ui() and sd_add_admin() from the package.
  • Moved the surveydown.css and page_nav.js files into the R package and out of the Quarto extension.
  • Added keep alive functionality to the survey.
  • Bug fixes:
    • The admin page password was looking for the SUPABASE_PASSWORD environment variable, but it should be SURVEYDOWN_PASSWORD.
    • The data fetching was not working to download the data as a CSV file in the admin page, now uses sd_get_data() and works.
    • The show_if_custom logic was not working for multiple conditions, now it does.
    • The skip_if_custom logic could error if a condition was NULL (fixed with isTRUE()).
    • In sd_config(), items were being assigned with the <- operator, causing them to be deleted when the thing being assigned was NULL. Now changed to =.

surveydown 0.1.0

  • Added sd_display_value() for displaying a question value based on the question id.
  • Added sd_copy_value() for making a copy of a question value, which may be needed if you need to display something more than once since you can’t make more than one object with the same id.
  • Changed sd_reactive_output() to sd_display_question().
  • Changed how sd_store_value() works to avoid a global environment, and changed the arg name from name to id.
  • Added sd_add_admin() function to react to admin_page condition, if set to true an ‘Admin’ page will be created for survey creators.
  • Added sd_admin_ui() function to create the UI for the Admin page button.
  • (extension) JS files removed from extension to R package. Now the extension only contains the .lua file and the css styles.

surveydown 0.0.9

  • Required questions are now moved to sd_config() as a separate required_questions argument, instead of being defined in sd_question().
  • Two new functions for supporting reactive questions: sd_question_reactive() and sd_reactive_output().
  • sd_store_value() function to store variables into the database. For example, sd_store_value(respondentID, "respID") will store the value of respondentID into a column named "respID". If the name is not provided, the column will be named as its original variable name, in this case, respondentID.
  • Enhanced robustness for progress bar. Now the progress bar will update based on user’s input.
  • Added a timestamp column in the beginning of the result dataframe.
  • Now both Mac and PC will have no problem connecting with supabase.
  • Updated all roxygen2 documentation texts.

surveydown 0.0.8

  • sd_database() function added with pause argument default to FALSE. If pause = FALSE, database will be properly connected; if pause = TRUE, a local CSV will be generated and survey results will be stored there.
  • sd_config() function has preview removed due to pause in sd_database.
  • For pause = FALSE (aka default), warning messages will be shown for missing or incorrect password, and will prompt the usage of sd_set_password().
  • Initiation of the admin_page argument in config.R.

surveydown 0.0.7

  • sd_set_password() function to set the supabase password as the survey environment variable. This function takes in a string, which should be your supabase password. We recommend you to only run it in the R Console so that your password does not appear in the .qmd file.
  • (Continue) Upon running sd_set_password(), an .Renviron file will be created in your survey project root directory. In this file, SUPABASE_PASSWORD=your_password will be created, with your_password being whatever your input of sd_set_password(). Then, .Renviron will be added to your .gitignore file to avoid being pushed to GitHub.
  • (Continue) If there is already an .Renviron file, SUPABASE_PASSWORD=your_password will be concatenated to the end. If there is already a definition of SUPABASE_PASSWORD, it will be overwritten. If there is no .gitignore file, it will be created. If there is already an .Renviron in .gitignore, it won’t be duplicated.
  • (Continue) All the above explanation means that you simply run sd_set_password() once to define supabase password for your survey project. It takes care of the rest of necessary operations, and you can rerun sd_set_password() to change the password, with the previous value safely overwritten.

surveydown 0.0.6

  • In sd_database, a gssencmode argument is added and set to “prefer” by default. In some cases, local deployment may fail due to network environments such as VPN settings. It can be solved by setting gssencmode = "disable" in the survey qmd file.
  • Now the survey can be updated even AFTER its deployment. You may add, delete, or modify a question. The old question column and its time stamp, will stay where they were. The new question column and time stamp will be concatenated in the end of the table.
  • (extension) Now the example.qmd survey has instructions for supabase configuration and shinyapps deployment.
  • (extension) Now the .gitignore file has .Renviron included. This file will store supabase password and is essential for shinyapps deployment. Eliminating this file from pushing to GitHub will ensure that your password is only saved locally.

surveydown 0.0.5

surveydown 0.0.4

  • (extension) Raleway Font is set as the default font of the survey pages. Can be overwritten in the YAML header with the theme command using the bootswatch themes or a custom scss file.
  • (extension) Default page background is set as “#f2f6f9” (a light blue color). Can be overwritten in the YAML header with the backgroundcolor.
  • (extension) Questions are now encapsulated in a container that distinguishes from the descriptive texts.
  • (extension) Options of mc_button and mu_multiple_buttons types of questions are now centered.
  • Now the surveydown::create_survey() function will download the whole extension repo, containing the extension, an example survey, and an RStudio project.

surveydown 0.0.3

  • Now show_if can be applied to multiple options of the same question, which allows users to have more than one option in a question that triggers the revealing of a hidden question.
  • Now if the “required” question is hidden, it will not trigger the page warning of “not all questions are answered”.
  • (extension) Now users can have a page with the same name of its ID and its header, regardless of capitalization. For example, users can now have a page ID being “#educational”, and its header being “#Educational”. This sounds as it should be, but in previous versions, the page hiding logic will show bug if page ID is the same as page header.

surveydown 0.0.2

  • Support added for the required argument in sd_question(), which allows users to force a question to be required. If not answered, a popup window blocks the user from continuing to the next page.
  • The supabase backend is now connected and documentation on how to set up the database is complete.
  • Initial setup for tests added

surveydown 0.0.1

Initial version!